is a free classified marketplace in the United States. At our newly launched classified marketplace, you can buy, sell or exchange bike, cars, home computers, furniture, mobile phones & accessories and more.

Why should you choose us over the other classifieds sites?
Our team is dedicated to serving each and every customer with the best service. We raise the bar for customer service to a new level. We have more cities covered by our classifieds comparing to most other classified ads sites. The process of posting an ad is summarized in one or two pages. All you have to do is to fill the post an ad page and hit the submit button. We have tons of other features where you can find them by using the site.

What is our mission?
We are here to make sure you can sell your items free of cost at our newly launched classified marketplace. Posting ads in every available city and in every available category can be done for free. Your listing immediately will be open to the public and you can view, edit or delete it at any moment.

Who are the back-end people?
A great passionate team is running this site where their expertise goes beyond the limits in their respective field. Running a leading classifieds site requires a lot more than just programmers. The number of none programmers exceeds compare to the number of programmers. 

How can I learn more about and its future plans?
We encourage you to check out our blog page. We update the blog on regular basis. Plus, you can use the contact page to leave us your thoughts and ideas. Our team will do their best to respond to most questions associated with as soon as they can.